Sunday, January 9, 2011

Accessing Drives and Partitions in Linux

You can mount and unmount your drives, flash drives and your hard disk partitions. To access data from your drives, you need to mount it first. To format or delete the partition of the drive(s), Unmount it first. here are some examples.

mount /dev/partitionId /some/mounting/point

mkdir /some/mounting/point
chmod 777 /some/mounting/point
mount /dev/partitionId /some/mounting/point

umount /dev/partitionId

mount -t auto /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
(as root) Mount the floppy. The directory /mnt/floppy must exist, be empty and NOT be your current directory.

mount -t auto /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
(as root) Mount the CD. You may need to create/modify the /dev/cdrom file depending where your CDROM is. The directory /mnt/cdrom must exist, be empty and NOT be your current directory.

mount /mnt/floppy
(as user or root) Mount a floppy as user. The file /etc/fstab must be set up to do this. The directory /mnt/floppy must not be your current directory.

mount /mnt/cdrom
(as user or root) Mount a CD as user. The file /etc/fstab must be set up to do this. The directory /mnt/cdrom must not be your current directory.

umount /mnt/floppy
Unmount the floppy. The directory /mnt/floppy must not be your (or anybody else's) current working directory. Depending on your setup, you might not be able to unmount a drive that you didn't mount.

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