The huge underground river has been discovered by the team led by Indian scientist, Dr. Valiya Hamza. The river is believed to be flowing some 13000 ft below the mighty Amazon River in Brazil. The river is named as “Hamza” and it is believed it is about 6,000 km long covering the total surface of the Amazon. The thermal information provided by the Brazil National observatory helped the researchers to identify the movement of water 13,000 ft under the Amazon. The flow of Hamza is about 3000 cubic meters per second. The researcher claims that the river has its origin from the region Acre and reaches the sea at Foz do Amazonas flowing through the basins of rivers Solimes, Amazona and island Marajo.
National Observatory says “It is likely that this river is responsible for the low level of salinity in the waters around the mouth of the Amazon.”
However it takes at least 3 to 4 years to confirm the subterranean flow of the river “Hamsa.”
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