Sunday, September 4, 2011

Why Human wear Clothes?

To survive in varying temperatures?. For an example there are places in the world were the summer is hot and winter is extremely cold. Then, there is next question comes, why do only human wear clothes not animals? There are many religious answers to these questions like “Because God said...”. But these answers will not be sufficient enough to complete the answer to the question.
There are many dimensions to answer these questions. Few of them are listed below.

Animals can’t make use of tools but humans have upper hand in this matter. Obviously it was easier for human to make clothes compare to other living creatures. But now-a-days crazy people force to wear clothes to their pets and you can watch monkeys use leaves to protect it from rain.
Human have less body hair compared to other mammals and we are warm-blooded animals so it is very important for us to maintain required body heat. So clothing gives us heat to keep us warm.
But most Scientist claims that Human started to wear dress to decorate them and it becomes a trend and fashion. In olden days human wear teeth, bones and even horns of dead animals to show them unique. Even today human wanted to show that he/she is unique.
Over the time the clothing reflected the standards of society status and modesty. For example in olden days, especially in India people belong to high society wear clothes to cover their upper body whereas other lower society will not allowed to wear clothing which covers their chest or upper part of the body. Gender also played a role in making different forms of clothes.
Scientist claims that people in olden days started to wear clothes to make them unique. This trend was continued even today in every culture and nation.

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