A Puzzlemaster's Challenge
This latest collection of puzzles from the internationally acclaimed puzzlemaster covers a wide variety of puzzles from physical to visual, conceptual to mathematical.
Solutions are provided in a separate section, which will help novices get on the right track, and will give seasoned aficionados a chance to check their work.
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Great Critical Thinking Puzzles
Eighty puzzles. The answers are easy! But getting there is the hard part. Uncover connections and identify hidden relationships until suddenly the answers are appearing as if by magic. Solve situations on the moon, around an insect-eating plant and gold-record racing through space in the Voyager spacecraft.
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More IQ Testing
Each timed test is approximately the same degree of difficulty and consists of a mixture of numerical, diagrammatic and logical reasoning questions. Answers are provided with detailed explanations where necessary, together with a guide to assessing performance on each test individually, and cumulatively on all ten tests.
Whether you use this book for fun or as valuable practice for improving your performance on an IQ test in the future, the ten complete tests of 40 questions each are sure to challenge and expand your mind.
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World's Hardest Puzzles
Great cartoons and illustrations will help and entertain, while your brain gets to work on these topnotch, tricky challenges.
More than 90 of the world's hardest puzzles
start with super-hard puzzles and move up to out-of-this-world hard. You'll love each one!!
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The Great Book Of Puzzles & Teasers
This book consists of 75 utterly original and totally tantalizing brain teasers from master puzzler George J. Summers. He brings out fascinating challenges in situations as common as a game of tic-tac-toe or tennis, or as strange as a land of habitual Truthtellers and Liars. These puzzles and teasers are constructed with clues, helpful solution and detailed answers that show you step-by-step how a teaser or a puzzle is unravelled.
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Brain Training Puzzles
This book contains a large range of games designed to get your brain and mind working hard ! Including Sudoku, Sudoku X, extra region Sudoku, Smileydoku, Kakuro, number tower, crosswords, wordsearch, ABC logic puzzles, letter fit, word ladder, word pyramid and wordwheel, a great 100 puzzle collection !
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Reasoning Skills Success
Many standardized tests and career paths require the ability to reason thoroughly and efficiently. Reasoning Skills Success in 20 Minutes a Dayprovides tested techniques for developing this highly regarded ability. Written for an audience that encompasses students up through full-time employees, this book features:
• tutorials in many different areas, including problem solving, logic skills, thinking versus knowing, inductive reasoning, and more
• a pre-test to diagnose strengths and weaknesses and a post-test to measure progress
• valuable real-life skills such as understanding and using statistics, assessing the validity of evidence, recognizing logical fallacies, and more
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Shakuntala Devi - Puzzles to Puzzle You
This is a book of puzzles, and the puzzles in this book are intresting and will involve the reader while solving them.
the puzzles are short in length but will force you to exercise your brain,and use your logical skills.
the puzzles are of a wide range from the modern ones to those from an ancient text.
there are 150 puzzles in this book, and they vary from simple ones to the more difficult ones.
they are intresting even for those who are not skilled in maths.
alltogether,a good book with which one can pass some time,
trying these puzzles.
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Critical Thinking Skills
'More analysis needed' is a comment lecturers repeatedly have to write on their students' work. Proceeding beyond this level of feedback is difficult when many students don't understand what analysis is or how to integrate criticism into their work. With this in mind, "Critical Thinking Skills" has taken the seemingly baffling art of analysis and broken it down into easy to understand blocks, with clear explanations, good examples, and plenty of activities to develop understanding at each stage. It even applies the techniques to reading, note making and writing. Recommending "Critical Thinking Skills" will help your students develop this important set of skills and improve their grades.
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