Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ancestors ate Tandoori Chicken!!

Cooking is not the modern day occurrence claims evolutionary biologist, Chris Organ from Harvard University. The scientists have discovered evidence which shows that humans lived 1.9 million years ago had ate their first cooked meal. The tooth size and feeding behavior of extinct primates and hominids are analyzed with the modern Human which concluded it was common that Homoerectus have cooked their food.

Chris Organ says “We see a dramatic shift in the tooth size of Homo erectus, which means it, was likely responding to a history already of eating cooked and processed food.”

This may look it is not a big discovery to Cook and Process the food but doing so will save lots of time and stored food may be used during the famine. So Homoerectus may have other jobs to do other than hunting food for the whole day which is usually done by other mammals. Processing and storing food shows that our ancestors had knowledge in famine, cyclone or any other seasonal issues.

Organ concluded saying “If you’re cooking your food you have many more hours of your day free since you don’t have to eat as much to get your daily requirements”.

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